Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ready to Launch

Snow does something to the guys in my family; it causes an irresistible urge to pack it together and hurl it at the closest person to us, with that hope that the snowball will not only collide with that person with a desirable “thump” sound…but that it will also smash into an area with the splattered snow and ice will slide down under the protective clothing they wear…causing an extended period of much discomfort. This event can only be topped if the splatter would soak the target’s underwear! And after today, I see that this trait has come to settle within my son. For as soon as I came around the corner of the house, I was greeted with this sight! I managed to snap off a photo before quickly doubling over to protect my camera from the onslaught.

Shot with my “Hit-The-Deck” Nikon D40x with an exposure of 1/60 at f/5.3, ISO 100. Nikon 18-55 VR Lens.

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