Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lights & Snow

Wow, the first snowfall of the season, and it was a doozy! In fact, its still coming down! I got up around 8 this morning, and it was already laying on the ground with a depth of about 2 to 3 inches. Now, at 5:30 PM, it's well over a foot out there! As I went shoveling for round two, I stopped and looked back at the house. With all of the lights on (and a few more than in the previous image I posted), illuminating the untouched snow on my little front lawn...I saw a wonderful shot. I ran in the house, snow covered boots and all, to grab my camera. My wife got Connor to look up at us (he's smiling under the coat & hood). I love the color and the smooth waves of snow. I hope you enjoy it too!

Shot with my "Snow-don't-bother-me" Nikon D40x with a 1/20 exposure at f/3.5, ISO 1600. Nikon 18-55 VR Lens. Minor adjustments in Levels.

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