Last weekend, I set off with friend to do some photography around the Valley Forge National Historic Park. My goal was to wonder around the Washington Memorial Chapel. I'm not a religeous man by any means, but I do appreciate fine craftsmanship...which is evident all over this Chapel. One thing that has always drawn my attention is a memorial called "Grieving Mothers"...but has also been called "Sacrifice & Devotion". It is a bronze, kneeling statue done by Bela Lyon Pratt in 1914. It is dedicated to all of the mothers of our nation and in memory of Henrietta Armitt Heckscher, who died during child birth on June 11, 1912. The statue sits in an enclosed garden to the left side of the chapel known as the Cloisters of the Colonies. This statue has always been interesting to me...for it's feeling of great sorrow. I've taken many shots of this piece, and although they were nice... none ever seemed to do it justice. Then, on a side-glance....I noticed this view from between the cement arches, and knew I found the shot I'd been looking for. To me, this is giving the "Grieving Mother" her space to mourn alone.
Awesome image, Kenny!!!