Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our First Christmas

While doing this photo blog project, I found that I really like showcasing the small, individual christmas tree ornaments that hang not only on my tree, but anyone else's tree as well. I've found that most people see the christmas tree as a whole...not many people look at the individual ornaments, lights and other trinkets that peopel but on thier trees. I see most people look at the tree from the middle of the room (or further away) and say "that a beautiful tree). I like getting in close, putting a "spotlight", if you will, on specific things. In this case, I was at my brother-in-law's house, looking over the tree for something that stood out. I saw this little couple and knew it was what I was looking for.

Shot with my "Trusty Sidekick" Nikon D60 with an exposure of 1/40 at f/5.6 and ISO 800. Nikon 55-200 VR lens.

Ceramic Christmas

This post is dedicated to my "sister", Dana. For several years, we've had a debate concerning whether ceramics suck or not. Honestly, I've never liked them. However, Dana loves them. So, this is for her; a Photo of the Day of a ceramic christmas tree with lighted birds. It belongs to my brother-in-law (the one I like), and I was simply walking around his house looking for things to photograph. of course, just taking a standard shot of it was not going to do. I wasn't thrilled with a close-up shot, it just wasn't working for me. However, holding the camera up above my head and shooting down (and some skillfull positioning) I captured a cool view of something that is normally... normal.

Shot with my "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" Nikon D40x with an exposure of 1/30 at f/5.3, ISO 800. Nikon 18-55 VR lens.

Jingle Bells

A big part of the Christmas Holdays are he infamous Jingle Bells. You can find them everywhere...hear them in songs...and see them in decoatins from tree ornaments to christmas sweaters. The ones you ee here are on a wreath that hangs on my front door. I like how the subtle colors of red and green show through just enough to be notced, and are no overpowering. Merry Christmas everyone!

Shot with my "I got yer Jingle Bells right here" Nikon D40x with an exposure of 1/5 second at f/5.3 with ISO 1600. Nikon 18-55 VR lens.

Christmas Luminaries

Although always friendly to each other, many of my neighbors do not talk much during the year...outside of the casual "Hello" and coming together in a crisis. However, every year, some of them get together and make up Luminary Bags, placing several on everyone's lawn up and down the blocks in the neighborhood. I love its the last little touch of the christmas decorations. Enjoy.

Shot with my "It aint coold outside" Nikon D40x wit an exposure of 1/13 at f/3.5 at ISO 1600. Nikon 18-55 VR lens.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Frozen Waters

Ah, yesterday we had a record breaking snowfall here in the Philadelphia/Cheltenham area...Saturday's snowstorm totalled 23.2 inches of snow for the city of Philadelphia. This is the largest snowstorm to ever hit the region in the month of December. It beat out the 21 inches in December of 1909-100 years ago! After some shoveling on Saturday, I spent Sunday morning digging out the cars and helping neighbors get their cars out so they could go to work or the store. While I was hauling shovel after shovel full of snow, my wife yelled across the street "There are some big-ass icicles out back". I promtply finished up and headed in for my camera and right out the back door! All along the back drain, icicles hung like spikes on a medieval gate. The ones pictured here measured over three feet long!

Shot with my Nikon D60 with an exposure of 1/200 at f/8, ISO 100. Nikon 55-200mm VR lens.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ready to Launch

Snow does something to the guys in my family; it causes an irresistible urge to pack it together and hurl it at the closest person to us, with that hope that the snowball will not only collide with that person with a desirable “thump” sound…but that it will also smash into an area with the splattered snow and ice will slide down under the protective clothing they wear…causing an extended period of much discomfort. This event can only be topped if the splatter would soak the target’s underwear! And after today, I see that this trait has come to settle within my son. For as soon as I came around the corner of the house, I was greeted with this sight! I managed to snap off a photo before quickly doubling over to protect my camera from the onslaught.

Shot with my “Hit-The-Deck” Nikon D40x with an exposure of 1/60 at f/5.3, ISO 100. Nikon 18-55 VR Lens.

Lights & Snow

Wow, the first snowfall of the season, and it was a doozy! In fact, its still coming down! I got up around 8 this morning, and it was already laying on the ground with a depth of about 2 to 3 inches. Now, at 5:30 PM, it's well over a foot out there! As I went shoveling for round two, I stopped and looked back at the house. With all of the lights on (and a few more than in the previous image I posted), illuminating the untouched snow on my little front lawn...I saw a wonderful shot. I ran in the house, snow covered boots and all, to grab my camera. My wife got Connor to look up at us (he's smiling under the coat & hood). I love the color and the smooth waves of snow. I hope you enjoy it too!

Shot with my "Snow-don't-bother-me" Nikon D40x with a 1/20 exposure at f/3.5, ISO 1600. Nikon 18-55 VR Lens. Minor adjustments in Levels.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rudolf is, by far, the most lovd and popular of Santa's reindeer. The song is heard constantly thoughout the holiday season, and he stars in several TV favorite is the visit to the Island of Misfit Toys, of which I can relate at times. One season, my wife purchased this three foot tall Rudolf metal figure. It plays the famous song, but...its broken, playing the same two lines of that song over and over and over... Although it has become annoying to me, it still presented a pretty cool photographic opportunity.

I walked around it, snapping several photos from different angles and sides. None were what I was looking for. Then it hit me... I grabbed the two step stool from the kitchen and go up high. So, from ceiling, I shot down at this figure. I used my Nikon D60 with 55-200mm VR lens.

Mickey's Christmas Ball

After taking a bunch of photos tonight, I made my way into the kitchen to grab a drink, still carrying my camera. When I took a swig out of my Wawa Iced tea, I spotted this Christmas ball my wife had hung from the old beam that runs through our kitchen. I thought this would make a cool shot, especially with the Mickey head in the center. Our family LOVES Disney... and putting a little of that in Christmas is just icing on the double chocolate fudge cake, baby! Anyhoo... I like this shot.

Shot with my Back Up Nikon D60, 1/125 exposure at f/5.6 with ISO 100. Nikon 55-200 VR lens. The sparkles were added in photoshop... I read about them in a new book i picked up "Creative Photoshop Lighting Techniques" by Barry Huggins.

A Cushy Gift

One of the most over looked decorations are our Present Pillows; small pillows in the shape of wrapped presents. We have them out every year, and most of the time Connor and I are throwing them at each other. This past weekend, I took them on a Photo Shoot with me...using them for a Family portrait. While looking around for something to shoot (since I was a little backed up on photos to post), I saw the pillows. It was what I wanted...something familiar, yet different. So, here's a photo of my pillow. Ha ha ha...

Shot with my ever "present" Nikon D40x at 1/80, f/5.6 at ISO 200. Nikon 18-55 VR lens. Minor Lighting & Color adjustments, with a layer of "Threshold" applied.

Counting Down

One of the many traditions we have in my family is the countdown to the BIG DAY. When I was younger, my Mom would give me the package with countdown to Christmas day. You would open the little paper "door" and there would be a chocolate piece inside...a chocolate bow, santa or sled. My wife now picks one up for Connor every year. But in with our decorations, we have this little guy we hang up each year. Every night, befor emy son goes to bed, he moves the star to the next day. When we get down to single digits... the excitement really begins!

Shot with my trusty D40x with 1/80 shutter speed at f/5.6 at ISO 100. I used my Nikon 18-55 VR lens. Some minor tweeking in Photoshop...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Santa and Teddy

Santa comes in many forms, from plastic lawn ornaments to ceramic statues to inflated and lighted giants that wave as you pass by. These are are nice, and fun, and present the holiday spirit. But for me, I enjoy the simpler, more artistic displays. The ones where someone took the time to draw, capture of carve the image they saw in thier mind. This Santa was found in the home of a friend of mine, and captures the simple, happy and "Santa" feeling of christmas. Its just one that I really liked, and wanted to share with you.

Shot with a D40x at 1/80 shutter, f/5.6 and ISO 100. I used my trusty Nikon 18-55 VR lens and Nikon Speedlight SB-600 held off to camera left.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tic Tac Santa

There's lots of things I love about the holiday season, and one is visiting the homes of friends and seeing what kind of decorations they have up. Today, I was at a friend & co-worker's home doing some Christmas Family photos and I noticed this cool little game, a tic-tac-toe board, sitting on a small table. While the family was still getting ready, I snapped a photo so I could use it here. It's just a cool looking game, with Santa waving a big "Hey There" to us.

Shot with Nikon D40x with a 1/80 shutter speed at f/5.6 with ISO 100. Nikon 18-55 VR lens. I must thank Paul Michael Kane for the ISO 100. I learned from him to keep the ISO low to help avoid noise. I've been doing it ever since.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

All Hearst

That says it all. although its hard to have everyone home for the holidays, at least we can hold on to the thought that their hearts are with us. I love having my family and friends together, spending time and watching the kid's eyes light up while they open presents. I also enjoy the quiet of the night, when the kids are asleep, and my wife and I enjoy some alone time by the light of the christmas tree, with soft christmas music playing on the radio. No matter what, our hearts are together. Enjoy your friends and family.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We Believe

It's funny how the Christmas season changes over the years, as you move from childhood to this "adult" thing. I see more people treat the holiday season as a chore...or a chance to complain about how someone else wants to celebrate. A shame really. However, there are those things...actually, those PEOPLE...who choose to have fun. The fun people help each other, we share what we have so all can enjoy to matter which one you celebrate. And... WE BELIEVE IN SANTA. We say it loud, we say it proud... and some even post it up for the world to see. I'm one of those fun people. I believe in Santa. Do you?

This image is of my good friend Erin, with her kids - Breyen (on Mommy's lap), Blake and Kiera. You can see, they boldly believe! Shot with Nikon D40x with a 1/8 Exposure at f/9 and ISO 800. Nikon 18-55 VR lens with CS filter attached.

On Little Wings

Wow, this is hard keeping up with posting a photo each day. This is the second time I missed the "deadline". Oh well, it's that busy time of year! And that's one of the many reasons why I love Photography so much - it allows me to slow down, sometimes coming to a screeching halt...and notice those thnigs that would normally fly by. As in the case of Tinker Bell. When it comes to appreciating the small things in life, Tink tops the list! My wife absolutely loves fairies, and Tink is her all-time favorite. So this image is for Donna. I like how I not only captured the starbursts of the christmas tree lights, but also one in the butterfly.

Captured with a Nikon D60 with 1/8 second exposure at f/7.1, ISO 100

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ribbon & Bow

Yes, in the end, for many of comes down to the presents. For me, that is what Christmas is all about. No, not just getting as much loot as you possibly can...(at least not the WHOLE reason), but it's also about giving to others, helping our our friends and family, and just being Human. I used to have no greater thrill then flying down the stairs and diving head-first into a pile of colorfully wrapped presents! After my son was born,, and he got older enough to enjoy the holiday, I found my thrill started coming from seeing him fly down the stairs and dive head-first into the presents! I guess it comes with age. But there's a small enjoyment that comes a few hours before the chaos begins...after Santa visits and leaves all the gifts under the tree, I enjoy the quiet beauty of the carefully wrapped boxes, with shiny bows and ribbons...glistening in the soft glow of the tree lights. that's what this image reminds me of - the quiet (before the storm!). The bow, perfectly tied and sitting on the ribbon, wrapped around a precious gift that my son will cherish for months to come.

Shot with Nikon D60 with an Exposure of 1/10 at f/4.8, ISO 1600. Nikon 55-200mm VR Lens. Levels adjusted in Photoshop Elements 7.0 (Yup, the cheap version).

Milk & Cookies

There are many childhood traditions I cherish growing up...and one that I've passed along to my son is the Milk & Cookies we leave for Santa on Christmas Eve. The type of cookies changes year to year, but you can bet that the Jolly Fat Man will get a cup of Chocolate Milk (because Connor says Santa like sit better than that white stuff). Sometimes, Connor would have to yell at me... for stealing the cookies when I thought the little guys was up in bed. Wow, did I get a "talki To" from my boy! So, when I was looking around the tree the other night, this ornament stood out and made me smile, reminding me of this fun and simple tradition. What kind of Milk & Cookies are you going to leave out for Santa?

Shot with Nikon D60, Exposure 1/8 Sec., f/7.1 at ISO 100. Nikon 55-200 mm VR lens.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Candy Kane on the Garland

This time around, I opted for a slightly different perspective on something I've been looking at for a few days now - garland my wife hung around the archway between our Living Room and Dining Room. I see it from the couch and when I walk in the front door...and even when I walk through on my way to steal something from the kitchen. So I thought, "How to see it abit differently". And then I saw it, coming down the stairs tonight. A side-long view, keeping just one of the hanging Candy Kanes in focus, and allowing the holiday lights and glitter shine around it. Merry Christmas, everyone.

Shot with my backup camera, Nikon D60 with a shutter speed of 1/15 at f/5 ISO 800. I used a Nikon 55-200 VR Lens.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lighting up the House

I love driving down the streets of Philadelphia during the Christmas season, and seeing all the lights and decorations people put up. Some families go crazy, with thousands upon thousands of lights, plastic Santas and Reindeer and Snowmen and all manner of lawn decorations...and then they add music! Other homes go the more simple route, putting up some lights and window signs to show they still love the holiday of the Jolly Fat Guy. My wife loves this time of year, when she gets to decorate the house with all sorts of things! Although I moan & graon about lugging Rubbermaid bins down two flights of stairs (only to hall them back up a month later), I do love it. This shot is of the front of the house, after Donna got down with the lights. It came out nice, with the lights all over and seeing the tree in the window.

Shot with Nikon D40x, 1.6 Shutter Speed at f/9, ISO 200. Nikon 18 - 55mm VR Lens.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sparkle of Lights

While growing up, one of the most interesting things abou tChristmas, for me, was sitting down in front of the tree after it had all been decorated. I would turn out all the lights, except for those on the tree...and let my eyes go slightly out-of-focus. It always made the lights sparkle and gave it a more dreamlike feel. With the help of a little filter attached to the lens, I was able to recreate that effect here. Although I'm much happier with this image than the ones I had taken a few nights ago (and discarded), I think there will be at least two more coming along. One with all the presents (before Connor gets to it!) and one with my wonderful wife and great little boy. Consider this to be Christmas Tree version 1.0!

Shot with my favorite Nikon D40x, Exposure Time is 1 second at f/13, ISO 640. Nikon 18-55 VR Lens. On a side note, I'm trying to show that you don't need a 2 or 3 thousand dollar camera and lens that cost almost as much to make great photos. I'm using Entry Level gear.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Asleep in a Manger

Aside from yesterdays's post, I'm going to attempt to keep each post this month within the theme of Christmas. Now, I'm not a religeous man...but I do find some things cute, interesting and/or fascinating...not matter what my beliefs are. My wife set up this Manger Scene in the corner of the Living Room, between the tree and the end of the couch. As I sat there late last night, looking for different things to shoot, and experiemnting with my Speedlight off-camera and in hand...I saw cute scene next to me. "Precious Moments" figures have always been able to capture the essence of "Cute" and "Innocence"... and I hope I was able to capture a little bit of that here.

Shot with Nikon D40x, 1 Second Exposure at f/13, ISO 200. Nikon 18-55 VR Lens.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Grieving Mother

Last weekend, I set off with friend to do some photography around the Valley Forge National Historic Park. My goal was to wonder around the Washington Memorial Chapel. I'm not a religeous man by any means, but I do appreciate fine craftsmanship...which is evident all over this Chapel. One thing that has always drawn my attention is a memorial called "Grieving Mothers"...but has also been called "Sacrifice & Devotion". It is a bronze, kneeling statue done by Bela Lyon Pratt in 1914. It is dedicated to all of the mothers of our nation and in memory of Henrietta Armitt Heckscher, who died during child birth on June 11, 1912. The statue sits in an enclosed garden to the left side of the chapel known as the Cloisters of the Colonies. This statue has always been interesting to me...for it's feeling of great sorrow. I've taken many shots of this piece, and although they were nice... none ever seemed to do it justice. Then, on a side-glance....I noticed this view from between the cement arches, and knew I found the shot I'd been looking for. To me, this is giving the "Grieving Mother" her space to mourn alone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009

Christmas Time is upon us! Last weekend, my family broke out all of the Christmas decorations and got to work. In no time at all, the tree was up, lights were strung and even a little boy's stocking was hung! When I first got into photography, I had taken a "no flash" photo of the tree with all the lights on. Now, further along in my hobby, I wanted to improve upon that image. Well, that will be posted later - I wasn't satisfied with it. I wanted something more. that's when I spotted Baby Mickey. I thought this made a cute image, and hopefully you will too.

Shot with Nikon D40x, Nikon 18-55 VR, f/4.8 at 1/2 second shutter speed, ISO 200.